
Finn hugging his mom goodbye in virtual reality damn near made me shed a tear. Such a beautiful way to end this fantastic miniseries. Also hope we'll get to see at least one of Susan and Frieda's adventures later this season. Their relationship definitely deserves some expanding.

Don't fuck with the Bird Mom.

It took fucking forever, but we finally got a Yellow Diamond song, and it was amazing (made even better by the discordant Pearls singing back-up). And leave it to our Pearl to get the last laugh. Instant A+ right there.

"Makes it look like you're really enjoying it."
"Like it was your idea… and the dog is just going along with it."

"I don't know, I guess I just have a style."

"I'll never choose again!"
"Sure you will."

The racist black grandma losing her shit for Star showing up was so fucking ridiculous, I couldn't help but laugh. But seriously, this episode was trash. Hell, the whole show is.

Those impressions were worth it just for this:

Dee getting a rash from the flea collar she was wearing during the reenactment killed me. She's definitely been on one hell of a bad luck streak this season.

"Look… that crow was injured and I was simply putting it out of its misery while, yes, testing the tensile strength of a crow's neck."
"She said there was a second crow."
"Well, yes, there was another crow, but that's because I simply couldn't believe that a crow's neck could be that weak."
"How do you explain the third

"Woof, Woof! Cowabunga! Thanks for the blowjob!"

Well, that was a weird fucking episode, but Blake having a prosthetic nose in Bill's dream just for the hell of it was pretty great.

"I was making money hand over foot, literally. Somebody lost a hand or a foot, I’d toss it in the soup."

"I don't know what hurt is."

This show continues using Ben in just the right amounts, and man, does it fucking pay off.

I'll say this about the show: the imagery is fantastically fucking vivid. That, and Jonathan Pryce cursing like a drunken sailor will never get old. Seriously, this'd be a much more entertaining series if he were the star.

"Does your Pearl always walk next to you?"
"Hehehe, I'll just be right here."
"Hmmm. Chatty."

Zach Callison's delivery was damn near devastating here. It was a good thing those quick Ruby cameos and the Gems' shape shifting lightened the mood, 'cause this shit was heavy.

If there were an Emmy purely for facial expressions, Jude would win that shit with flying colors. He just keeps getting more insane with each episode and I fucking love it!

This miniseries easily blew Stakes out of the fucking water (even though I enjoyed that one too). There's just so much to take away from each episode. And that ending… holy shit. I'm glad this show's still as quality as ever as we inch closer to next year's endgame.