
Pretty forgettable, but the slo-mo shot of Blake freaking out over the bag of drugs falling down the staircase gave me a good laugh.

"Ah, I just puked on my dick!"

"You can’t come back from banging kids."
"What about the Catholic Church?"
"Good point. They did sidestep banging kids pretty masterfully."

Tree Trunks spreading glitter on a sign reading "Fascist" in cursive easily bumped this up a grade alone.

R.I.P. Mary. I'd throw a hat up in the air in your memory if I had one.

"My favorite part of eating alphabet soup is rearranging the letters to form my first name, which of course you readers already know to be…"

If anything, this'll be great fodder for Kate McKinnon to continue ripping the bitch apart.

At this point, this is just to have on in the background for whenever Jonathan Pryce drops another glorious F-bomb.

"It's young and soft and supple like the neck of a turkey."

"I really wish I could travel back in time and give Young You a hug."
"Yeah, well, Young Me would agree to that hug with an immediate collapse and orgasm."

Also a random Marcie cameo. No way that could ever be a bad thing.

I wonder how much more bleak and depressing it can possibly get in these final episodes. Do your fucking worst, Lindelof.

"Time to go home."
"Not the Swan. That's where the pups came from."

I hate to say it, but the day Meryl is unable to act anymore will be a great day for other actresses everywhere.

Meryl Streep gets nominated for the gazillionth fucking time for a god-awful role while the much more deserving Amy Adams and Annette Bening get completely shut out?

Yeah, they're doing it on fucking purpose now.

"I know, I'm incredibly handsome, but please, try to forget about that."

"The truth is, I'm not technically a doctor. I don't even have a medical degree. I just came in here one day for an x-ray, and my first name is Doctor, so, well, one thing lead to another."

Holy fuckballs, I'm pumped! New Jack is just what I need!

The term "wild, McCarthy-esque accusations" made me love this show even more.