
Even if the show does end after this season (which, let's face it, it probably will), at least it's definitely improved since the pilot. Hell, they've even managed to make boring-ass Alan interesting. Maybe this is leading to a satisfying finale after all.

Really fucking dig the new intro. The movement of those art pieces coupled with that eerie electronic "Watchtower" cover was goddamn masterful.

Now I want a pink pussy hat just for the hell of it.

Between Big Sean and Melissa Villaseñor, this was an oddly big night for monotone voices.

This bit killed me:
"I first met Jeremy Ganz when he generously gave my father his kidney."
"And then she hired me when I gave her husband my other kidney."
"This guy is walking around with no kidneys?! Then that's why he kept going cross-eyed and blacking out!"

I was hoping they'd at least bring back Fred Armisen or Jay Pharaoh to play Obama one last time, but it was fine as it was. Hey, any excuse to give Sasheer some screen time.

Greene, Jerry, Rocky, Perkins, Cheese.

Greene, Jerry, Rocky.

Just the post-inauguration nightmare episode we needed. Aziz knocked it out of the park the whole way through and Kate's Kellyanne musical number was the greatest thing I never knew I wanted. The next four years on SNL are gonna be more surreal than they've ever been, and this was a damn good way to kick them off.

"Land, ho!"
"I told you not to call me that!"

Noodles Baskets does have a nice ring to it.

Mama Baskets' response to Martha asking if the twins' photo was an ad cracked me up hard.

I'm sure there'll be way more of her in the weeks to come. Louie Anderson didn't win that Emmy for nothing.

"I'm okay. You're not okay. It's 'cause you're missin' out on all of this. Titties. Good ones."

I just love how perfectly deadpan Jacquelyn is, right down to not giving a fuck keeping her skin covered in gold while trying to stop Olaf.

"Peace out, queefs!"

The songs still suck, but yeah, this was easily better than last week. The show could use more Miss Bruce too.

Damn, looks like no one fucking watches this show anymore. Too bad, this episode was pretty good.

Finally, Shyamalan's movies are good again! Crazy James McAvoy is just what I need to get me through this fucked up weekend.

Every time Rachel Dratch randomly appears in any show, it's a goddamn treat. Now I really want The Methelda Show to be a thing. Make it happen, FXX!