

Her lifeless staring into the camera was even better. Sandy Martin's a goddamn treasure.

If you're Dennis, every fucking one of them.

Well, at least now we know what Universal thinks "a dog's purpose" really is.

"I'm gonna take a shit."
"That's not a good catchphrase. It is healthy, though."

"Who did, sir?"

Alba talking about her smoking addiction since she was 4 bumped this up to at least a B for me.

I'm glad Aasif Mandvi continues to get work. He was perfectly cast as Dr. Montgomery. And the twins are even starting to outshine Count Olaf for me.

I really hope that isn't the last we see of Diane Keaton's "I'm a virgin, but this is an old shirt" shirt.

Along with Wendy from Gravity Falls, that's two animated Linda Cardellini-voiced characters we'll never see again. :'(

I'm glad he at least finally found someone to commit a relationship to, even if it was a bat girl quickly introduced in a montage, never to be seen again. I just wish Margaret could've been at that reunion to show how her married life turned out.

Wow. What an incredible fucking end to an incredible fucking series. I never thought it would last as long as it did, but the way it grew its characters and universe so steadily and confidently over the years easily made it stand out as one of the greats in modern cartoons. There really was nothing else like it, and

John Ennis

"Hey, everyone! Come inside if you wanna get your butts blown by a friggin' clown!"

The gag with the cardinal who had sexual feelings for a Venus of Willendorf statue instantly hooked me in.

Pretty obvious this was made during Empire's biggest peak in popularity. Not to say it was bad, but it definitely didn't need to be a full hour.

I guess those poor clowns just couldn't compete with the president-elect.

He and the other new guy really do have perfect serial killer faces.

"Taking the role of a handsome man is certainly a brave choice. Is it a stretch for you?"
"Well, as an actor, I think live theatre is a much more powerful medium than, say, streaming television."

That last sketch surprisingly made me laugh the hardest, especially Felicity's delivery on her joke.