
Even wobblier, and more terrifyingly ominous in retrospect, the Trump show.

Meanwhile, Sasheer continues to get the shaft (pun intended).

Greene, Rocky, Perkins.

"Felicity, I hear you're hosting SNL."
"Yes, yeah, I'm a bit nervous, to be honest."
"Don't be. If Steven Seagal can do it, so can you."

One episode in and it's already better than the movie. I also love how the art style feels like Wes Anderson meets Tim Burton. Definitely can't wait to see this series through to the miserable end.

It just wouldn't be January without a stupid family movie with shit CGI that'll end up in every Walmart DVD bargain bin in six months.

"Thanks, Dennis, for being the first adult to actually give a shit about me."

Those lifeguards had the right idea. Fuck floating dead kids.

Surprised this show is getting coverage at all. It's like watching paint dry, but with singing and bad Queen Latifah wigs.

"You churn my chowder. I'll shave your hole."

I laughed my ass off at the little detail of the holiday bathroom towels just being there for show, and Josh's mom turning into a Mark David Chapman-like psycho with her Catcher in the Rye copy was even better. The writing on this show is so fucking insane in the best way.

"Well, actually, my test results show that it was the gay AIDS!"

"There's AIDS blood in the pool!"
"There's goddamn AIDS blood?!"

Holy shit, that animation style is a fucking eye sore. Does Comedy Central really think they're gonna keep this shit going past a single quickly forgotten season?

"You ruined my blouse, you wrinkly bitch!"
"Your blouse was ruined by your inability to fill it out."

"Your sister's getting fuuuuuuuuuuuurniture…. delivered."

Watched the first episode and it was mostly a fucking bore. But hey, at least it's a miniseries.

Robbie's Seinfeld bassline easily bumped this up a grade for me.

"Listen, I've been a little hard on ya, but ya stepped back at the right moment. I respect that. But I still gotta put ya in the ocean!"
"Oh, no, no, no, Zeke!"

Tammy and Jocelyn's back-and-forths were especially great this week.