
"You're too skinny. Eat a battery or something."


Crazy Olivia Wilde in animated form could never be a bad thing in any universe.

Ralph's reaction to jazz was pretty damn on-point.

It's still hard as fuck to believe they're gone, and such an eerie coincidence that this doc was just waiting to be aired. Gonna make it all the tougher to watch.

Best fucking way to kick off 2017. Mike and El-P just get better and better.

"Are cargo shorts gorgeous? Was I wrong about rubber awareness bracelets? Should I grow a goatee?"

So it's basically Empire 2.0, except with even less of a reason to exist.

Ziggy, leap me far, far from here…
"Hey, Hollywood, why don't you leap on up to the third floor? Someone shitted all over the dining hall."

It's like Eric Andre/Mike was always destined to play a Jonestown leader for bros. That shit upped it to a B+ for me.

The cut of Charlie getting shot as himself and as the black kid he turned into was so masterfully fucked up. Good to have you fucking back, Sunny.

I might stick with this one just for Kaitlin's lovably dysfunctional ass, but I don't see it lasting more than a season, two tops maybe.

Yeah, this has C+ written all fucking over it.

Holy fucking fuck! This just got even more fucking devastating. I can't imagine what Billie must be going through right now.

This really was his "Last Christmas."

Fuck. This one really hurts, and with less than a week to go 'til 2017.

American Dad! Discussion Thread: “Ninety North, Zero West”

It's a good thing they already spoiled the moose testicle gag in the trailers. That basically summed up the whole fucking movie for me.

So it's basically 108 minutes of shitty cartoon animal karaoke sung by celebrities ranging from Oscar winners to Nick fucking Kroll.

I was already hooked in from the first fucking trailer. Maybe all that over-crying will earn Viola that Oscar after all.