
Yeah, god forbid a person wear make-up in a way you don't find pleasing. Also, "second-rate drag queen?" Can we not with this.

The picture made me think this was about Attack on Titan at first.

He played it completely straight, and that's the funniest part.

So someone dedicated an entire study to determine if happy wife does, in fact, equal happy life?

"When I was famous." I love how self-aware this guy is. Of course, I was already charmed by him both as a hormonal tween and then again as a fully grown woman when he was in Don't Trust the B.

No! This is one of my favorite movies of all time, and this sequel sounds like it completely misses the point.

Nothing so horrifying for me, luckily. Just a lot of emphasis on the "the only 100% FOR SURE way to avoid disease is abstinence!" And a homophobic gym teacher who said only men and women should be together because their "parts fit." Like 12-year-olds don't know about buttsex or something.

Yo, I don't understand how someone like Martha Stewart, who probably knows at least a thing or two about food photography, could take such consistently bad pictures. Even my hipster-esque food photos are better than this, and I'm just some jerkhole with a MyTouch.

I mean, abortion causes breast cancer? Really? Really? How can they even justify this charlatanism?

So RipOffReport . . . is a rip-off?

A friend and I were starting to wonder if Mellie's character is some sort of social experiment. How much crap can we pile on a female character and still have viewers vilify her?