
Is there anything comparable in football? Michael Jordan is a bad comparison because basketball isn’t football and Lynch isn’t Jordan. But has this ever been done with a running back? Is it possible that taking a year off can make you better for maybe just one year?

When Ray Rice punches a hole he makes sure to leave video evidence.

Read the article. The father could have done this thing where he says, “no comment” and then this post never happens. But congrats on you reading the article as well.

Kinda douchey to give an interview about your relationship with your son before he plays a divisional round playoff game. But you know, not like their family to whore themselves out for fame.

Wake me up when there’s a video where the woman doesn’t initiate the assault.

While I believe just about everything you said, I’m a white non college educated voter. I voted for Hillary. I just happen to live in California where it doesn’t matter. My problem with the way you wrote this is that this kind of rhetoric only alienates the people who elected Trump. It does nothing to help the country

Hendricks threw 7 1/3

“Civil Rape” is the name of my upcoming mistake. Spoiler Alert: It’s fire.

When the grass is cut the snakes will show.

In a discussion abouto racism, it is only appropriate for white people to say this one specific things. What one specific thing is appropriate for black people to say?

Who would win in a fight: Tom Ley’s brain in Tim Marchman’s body vs. Tim Marchman’s brain in Tom Ley’s body?

Can’t tell if this is good kinja.