Denzel Washyourtongue

Growing upa hardcore punk rock/skater/ black dude in Atl watching Tyler grow into himself is beyond great. I am more of a Earl Sweatshirt fan both music and just personally down to earth, and in my opinion I think he was the better out of the whole odd future, anyway I just related too these guys so much. Glad for bro

Thank you; although his diatribe reads as though it’s been loaded in his pea brain and ready to go for awhile; the assertion that the female writers aren’t as talented as the male writers is a big tell. Huge.

“I find it hilarious though that as soon as a lot of the talented male writers start leaving the site, you start seeing more and more of these types of articles. I’ll never get why so many Black women are so incredibly pressed about someone else’s dating choices. He dated a white woman, why does it bother you so much?

Damn. Hmph. Might need to try ME one o dem left handed “SLAP!” Damn baby, I was jokin, jokin!

“Vhhyyyyy do you insist I learn these Bleck things and be around these Bleck people?! We are just man and voman. I will pretend you have just deep tan and your history, culture, language and traditions do not exist and we vill raise our tan kids that way...let’s call it being colorblind! Except I will teach them to

Thankfully, Favre never thought he was smart. Rodgers is one of those people who thinks that because he knows a lot of interesting trivia, then he must be smart. He’s like Cliff Clavin from Cheers.

“I’ve had several months to reflect on a very challenging moment in my life.

I mean that whole segment was Emmy worthy. I assume Dominique will be out of a job soon for those comments. Also what is it with Green Bay QB’s & acting like assholes? From Favre to Rodgers they have produced two of the most self-absorbed, loathsome creatures to ever step under center. Oh Don Majkowski was no nice guy

Genetics don’t predispose people to drug and alcohol use and abuse.

Most of the people I’ve known who used drugs during pregnancy also had a host of other complications going on (homelessness, food insecurity, abuse, etc) so it seems like it would be very hard to just be like “it’s the drugs”.

I’m confused. If not through racist jokes, how else are white guys supposed to bond?

Yeah, you know I didn’t want to be un-charitable but my first thought was I wonder if there was someone else in earshot and the deputy realized he needed to get in front of it.

I was thinking the same. Kyle?! That’s your homie?

Racists always think that Everyone is anti-Black...and are just holding it in. This juror clearly thought he had a kindred spirit in the deputy. And I wouldn’t doubt that the deputy WAS like-minded. But Deputy wasn’t about to let such blatant idiocy cost him his job when it’s clear the JokerJuror will definitely fuck

Trump really let the cat out of the bag didn’t he? They don’t even bother trying to hide it. The absolute gall of these motherfuckers brazenly flaunting their racism is appalling.

So racist he just couldn’t hold it in.  Good job, juror guy, now everyone knows you’re a gigantic asshole.

You’re telling me a rich old white man who “owns” a team of mostly black men is... racist?

My only problem with this write up is the idea that any of this would be surprising. Anyone following the Sarver Suns would know that Sarver has proven himself to be the epitome of “scummy rich white man” time and time again.

Maybe this time there will actually be consequences?  God I hope so.

...he ultimately ruled that the defense had given legitimate reasons for why each juror was eliminated.”

People on the right would try to dismiss the conduct of the former D.A. Jackie Johnson (and the officers and lawyers who shielded these three killers) as a one bad apple situation - as though this is not evidence of a problem with systemic racism. As Woke Up Dead noted, this case would never have been pursued if one