You are right of course. Only black people doing shitty things get properly punished though. Funny that.
You are right of course. Only black people doing shitty things get properly punished though. Funny that.
The funniest part of your response is that he covered it just like every white athlete gets treated. Or how every murder of a black person by cops gets treated.
This is pretty much what I would expect from the genius who though he could work with Trump on a Black agenda. I wonder if his janky “platinum plan” included anything to do with health care.
I’m doubly insulted that
I’m thinking cuck videos are his third or fourth choice. This guy’s into Asian porn because he’s only packing a Vienna Sausage.
This is the face of the white man who interviews Black candidates then preempts any approving comments from others by saying “I don’t think they are not a fit for this team”, before they’re out of earshot. But he’ll recite any anecdotes from that candidate to appear cool at every event afterward. And when he’s ever…
Come for the queen you best not miss. They are finding out we aren’t putting up with this shit anymore. The “outside noise” was coming from inside the house. Sorry Chad and Hannah your kids need to learn about the real history of this country.
lol I can almost guarantee they cleared the copyright shit before they aired a logo like that, and get over it. It’s a sorority/fraternity. If doctors don’t get upset about Grey’s Anatomy, why are a bunch of beer-pongers and flip-cuppers getting upset that they are getting repped in a major tv show?
I’m convinced that white people just want to be babied. This is why they are the loudest anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, and why they cry to the authorities when they start and subsequently lose a fight with a minority. They want to simultaneously be in charge of everything, but also have the responsibility of a toddler.
As Richard Rothstein says in the Color of Law.
Who’s out here teaching little white kids that they should feel bad for being white? If teaching them basic American history makes them feel ashamed for what white people did that’s on white people.
The question needs to be: Can you even make white people feel bad? The answer to that is a Hell no. I mean they shoot us in the streets and blame us for making them do it. They steal our culture and profit from it and then have the nerve to criticize us when we don’t say thank you. They use our children to make…
I like how CRT is treated as something that’s being taught directly to children.
*stares at abstract Picasso-esque image for 15 minutes*
I thought for sure I was going to see some high quality high definition spray painted art. I was thinking something similar to the nude art I saw growing up on lowriders, vans, and murals, but to the next extreme. I definitely was not expecting some block art. The things that raise white people’s blood pressure...
Lol, that was not what I was expecting the picture to look like when I scrolled down. Figured it would be some kind of skin mag type cover, genuinely laughed when I saw it was actually just crappy vector clip art.
Nobody said that. Everyone knows anti-vaxxers are deluded crackpots. Which just so happens to encompass all the MAGA Chuds. Subset, my dude.
That said. Nobody should be surprised that Mr.-Flat-Earth would buy into anti-vaxx nonsense. I can’t tell if the truly believes either or if he just likes the attention.
The problem is, one side is playing by the rules while the other is not, and if the side playing by the rules stops even a little, the other side gets a “win,” because they’re pretending they’re morally superior and it’s WORKING.