Every morning I'm surprised the whole thing still exists.
Every morning I'm surprised the whole thing still exists.
“I don’t know that as a woman alone in a park that I had another option,”
For the sake of clarity, not necessarily a “defense”: she probably didn’t “go” to anyone seeking attention. She was most likely pursued by Bari Fucking Weiss to go on her podcast to complain about how bad things are for racist white people. That’s the Bari Fucking Weiss modus operandi. Look her up, and prepare to…
Apparently they do. Ask Bari Weiss. “Forced” to resign from the New Times because of her shrill tone deaf op-ed writing...she starts a podcast.
Let me also remind you that the very Black man she is now throwing under the white supremacist bus refused to participate in prosecuting the charges against her, which were dropped, and he even said he didn’t feel the charges were necessary.
Bitch, please! Everyone, including your employer, saw what you did and who you are. I wouldn’t give Bari Weiss a jar of urine to douse herself if she were on fire so I am certainly not going to listen to her podcast to find that she didn’t ask the simple question: he asked you to put your dog on a leash, why didn’t…
I hope so
GTFOH with that hyperbolic, egotistical nonsense, yo; Puffy was a huge part of hip hop’s decline - I sure as hell don’t wanna see what he does to R&B.
Actually ran into someone on the internet trying to defend his lack of knowledge on hip hop history. I damn near lost it. I mean you have a damn computer in your pocket and as fast as you can hit send on a tweet or Instagram post you can find out about any topic you choose. I mean I cannot fathom the ignorance of…
That expression on his face when he’s being dragged.
Reply to Bill:
Yeah...it’s time to go now. I thought the gaslighting from the GOP that it wasn’t what we saw what it was on Jan.6 was a bridge too far, but now they aren’t even prosecuting these White Extreme Christian Terrorists. I would really love for someone to do a side by side comparison of the people arrested and prosecuted…
Blackness in my eyes
“Cocaine induced agitation cause him to headbutt officer flashlight, jump into officer car, and somehow elaborate suicide while being handcuffed.”
Yesterday, from my window, I witnessed the police place a suspect into their car and drive away in under a minute. I wondered why the six cops didn’t hang around, kneel on the perp’s neck, have a few laughs. Then I realized it’s because it’s easy for six cops to put someone in a car. Most just don’t want to.
FUCK THIS GUY. End of story, forever and ever, amen.
Meanwhile, a judge has ordered Le-Nguyen not to return home