Denzel Washyourtongue

Pushing stories like this actually harm our cause because it makes it look like we are just looking for stuff to whine about especially with all the real racist issues that we are facing. I am so disappointed that the Root bothered with this non-story. Actually, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. This just adds

White folks kill me with their self-appointed and unwanted deputization of unknown authority. I find it ironic that they wanted to protect the children but then used words that they probably don’t want their kids to use - hard to tell with them as they get cussed out by the kids starting usually around 6-7th grade. I

(meanwhile, on the low, he’s secretly thinking “go on...”)

“clueless, hueless and now-swimming pool-less” and “Gentrifier from the block”....

Shit, I’m too old for the BET Hip Hop Awards commercial.*

So Kim stopped using the skin bleacher and her color just came back?! Hunh!

On the plus side there’s a lot of good new music being made these days and pretty much none of it is on MTV.

Like Chris Rock said: “Do you really want to be that guy that is too old to be in the club?” I realized about five to seven years ago when people were talking about The MTV Video Music awards that it wasn’t my time and I was cool with it. Same goes for any BET Awards and even The Grammy’s sometime. I’m old school and

says hugging Guyger after the trial was the “Christian” thing to do.

wasn’t”god complex Kanye” supposed to be different than ”conservative Kanye?” both are sounding quite similar, in fact, in the part of the clip that was left out, Kanye brings out Candace Owen and she strangles a Bernie Sanders lookalike to death with her bare hands. 

As an aspiring filmmaker, I hope my first major project is shot at Mr. Perry’s studio.  I’m so proud of him!


This is an extremely bad and dumb and wrong take. Bush is absolutely worse than Trump, he just wasn’t as much of an ostentatious, out-and-out asshole about it. GTFOH with this nonsense.  If you’d “happily” take Bush over Trump, then you were never paying any attention. 

G-Dub is a war criminal. Fuck anyone who gives him a pass.

Judge: Here’s a young Black man without a criminal record; let’s change that.

Where’s Judge Tammy and her hair stroking sheriff’s bailiff when you really need them?

Bad take is bad.

Once again, a black woman to the rescue. 

So you wait 25 years AFTER your pension and benefits are set in stone to sue?! So the previous 9,125 days were perfectly fine and peachy? You knew that whole department was filth the moment u stepped foot inside...and waited until it was in your best interest to say something. She can take several seats as well

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