
I thought we were an autonomous collective.

That’s the joke.

“Goddamn indeed!”

Muay thai is a sport where two combatants willingly agree to fight eachother knowing that getting knocked out is an outcome. They train every day to prevent this outcome and they have a referee constantly watching to ensure they are safe within the rules. There’s also a doctor ringside. Someone getting knocked out in

Supposedly in the ‘50s Lufthansa ran ads in British newspapers with the tag line, “Fly Lufthansa to London—We Know the Way”. Maybe a British ad man came up with that, though.

Forget it man, he’s German, he doesn’t know what a joke is.

“uncut German soccer”

I agree except for the guy who keeps yelling “fire Joe Buck!!”

It´s “Die Mannschaft”

Say what you will about Germany but you can bet that their World Cup previews are always posted on time and never 3 days into the tournament.

I’ll take this over seven Michelob Ultra’d Chad yelling Mashed Potatoes any day of the week though.

When I was 12, I went to a golf camp at the local municipal course. We were told to be respectful, and play fast enough to escape notice of those behind us. And then a foursome of lawyers decided to drive golf balls at us and shout obscenities at us. Gentlemen? Fuck all that noise. I wish I’d charged them and buried a

Yeah, there’s not much more insufferable than a bunch of buffoons trying half-assedly to be sort-of polite for even brief stretches of time (like at the clubhouse or when someone else plays through). And the rich ones who really live the clubhouse lifestyle full-time? They’re even worse assholes, and more boring.

The “BONER” bill for snorting really adds to the overall scene.

I just read a book on the making of Caddyshack (fun book — easy read; learned some interesting stuff about the history of the Harvard/National Lampoon and how damaged Doug Kenney was) and there was great quote from Chevy Chase (who grew up rich, in Manhattan) in it:

“I’ve never gone for golf; I was more of a tennis

And being a douche-bag who starts drinking Bloody Mary’s at 7:00 in the morning, puts in 18, and then goes back home to berate his wife and children is quite literally the retirement fantasy of like 93% of management in this country.

I had relatives growing up who tried to steer me towards golf, always calling it a “gentleman’s game.” Well, having golfed enough to form my own opinion, it is certainly not now, if it ever was. Just the worst, uninteresting louts I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet.

Another option.