Hey, remember that time you looked like a total dipshit on the internet?
Hey, remember that time you looked like a total dipshit on the internet?
I love the fact that she tried to frame Hogg as a whiny liberal snowflake and he promptly responded by eviscerating her advertising revenue. Maybe this rhetoric about spineless milennials who can’t handle conflict is coming to bite Fox News in the ass... sounds like Ingraham needs a safe space.
All the people saying that Hogg is such a terrible person for what he’s doing to poor little Laura can, in the truest sense, go fuck themselves.
Something tells me the ending will be different for Ingraham.
The battle cry of the intellectually outmatched.
MLK famously had very harsh words for moderates in the face of injustice.
LOL Candace Owens getting mad online at a high school kid for “mercilessly going after someone’s advertisers.”
Talking down to and belittling a large section of the next wave of voters is a great political strategy
I’ll never listen to the Stray Cats again.
Ooh Kris Paronto, tough guy! Too bad whoever was on the other end of the AR-15 didn’t have better aim, amirite? (No of course, I’m completely wrong and I take that back, even if Kris Paronto is a dipshit)
and not even a good job; he let his teammates get killed
He also blew apart the whole “AR-15s aren’t weapons of war, just normal rifles” talking point.
Given they’re in AP civics classes, I would not be surprised if they were being given extra credit for applying what they learned in real-world scenarios and being given time off to do just that.
This goes to show that middle-aged people with a large platform and multi-million dollar contracts aren’t necessarily savvy and intelligent people. They continue to get Mutombo’d by teenagers, but keep coming back for more.
He’s terrific. Emma Gonzalez is terrific. I can see why the right was so invested in the crisis actor theory, because it’s shocking how thoroughly these HS kids are owning the debate. David Hogg just fucking wrecked Laura Ingraham. She shouldn’t be allowed on tv after getting dunked on that hard. And there’s no…
We’re all Schroedinger’s liberal: simultaneously a precious snowflake and a violent antifa thug.
But remember that liberals are the precious snowflakes.