
That is what happens when you elect a Democrat that gives no fucks about their constituents. They taxed the dogshit out of their residents to fund their identity politics agenda and now the infrastructure is so fucked they don’t have the money to fix it. Also allowing for manufacturing to move overseas brought this

Miata is again the answer.

So are we not gonna talk about Gizmodo’s culpability there? The reason why fake news was so prevalent on Facebook was some misleading reporting that Facebook was suppressing conservative views (in actuality, humans were determining what was newsworthy, and human bias seeped in, which is pretty inevitable and

in Florida, if you kill another person with a gun and claim that you were defending yourself, it is up to the state to prove that your use of force was not justified.

The law was based on a legal precept called the “Castle Doctrine” which does not require a person with a gun to retreat in the face of danger, but most people know the law by its more famous nickname: Stand Your Ground.

> “This is a big deal beyond this fake sports league.”

I’m sorry but kindly go fuck yourself. You have absolutely no idea the amount of effort, love, time and dedication these people put into being good at what they do just some asshole online can dismiss it all away by being an offensive douchebag. Your entire point

I think having a *blank* physical button on a smart phone could actually be the next great feature. Samsung may have backed into an good idea. I would love to have an extra physical button to map to assistant on quick press, Flashlight on long press, and camera on double press.

How about earning some audience respect by not acting like a bunch of 12 year olds who’ve just discovered expletives. Serious people don’t curse. So, duck you, millennial ignoramuses.

Since your knowledge of history is lacking, what am I to think of the rest of what you are saying here?

To be fair I don’t see how this differs from any other political gamesmanship, he is commander in chief he could have rerouted the group with a single order and it would have had no impact on him at all. He’s a businessman even if he is a dodgy one, so he fully subscribes to the why tell a truth when a lie will do

There’s plenty of Marxist retards here that’ll eat it up.

Do people read and actually believe this crap?

Matt you’ve gone off the fucking deep end man. What would your strategy have been? To deconstruct our nuclear arsenal and just hope that the Soviets and Chinese followed suit? If people like you ran this country, we’d all be dead. Neville Chamberlain worshipping idiots.

“BUT MAH PRIVACY!” - Also Liberals.

Yet you kids wonder why no one of importance takes you seriously.

30 pieces of silver

It has nothing to do with any of that. How are you this gullible?

“On YouTube, he uploaded a follow-up on the situation where he admitted the error”

The Captain has the “by law” last word, sure. But, it is like a husband’s “My home is my castle” bleat. It is only his castle until the wife is home.