
Hey, remember when Hollywood Lefties thought paranoia about Russia was a bad thing? Putin needs to make Russia a big market for American movies and then H’Wood will start kissing his ass like they do do China.


That United Airlines’s policy forcibly sexualizes children’s bodies is especially reprehensible

Nice rant, only problem is that non of it is true. Technology has always created newer better jobs to replace the ones it’s eliminated. 200 years ago 98% of the world worked brutal farming jobs. 95% of those jobs are gone. Technology is the exact reason why the US has had such a high standard of living, all those

This is how the average dumb person who thinks they aren’t dumb thinks and manages to make statements that appeal to other average dumb people:

What is so funny about it? Everybody works somewhere, most of my co-workers are right wing.

Yeaaaaah my videos are the farthest thing from any sort of racist content. The loss of advertisers will devalue all ads on YouTube, lowering everyone’s revenue.

As someone that gets 10s of millions of views per year on YouTube, this is troubling.

Yay, yet another lever to make opinions we don’t like harder to find.

How do you know they’re lies? Last time I checked you were a desk monkey with no investigative capability.

Are those angles and widths really going to be very strong? They seem fragile, although the Japs do know a thing or two.

If a person is taking birth control pills for a medical issue, then why do they have an issue going to the doctor?

$500 million for Community Colleges around the country would do so much good.

What mandate?

1. They aren’t selling many.

Of course, assume “white person” on the other end and shut them up! They can’t be right! That’s exactly why it looks like to you you have to do 2 times more work. Because you really have no idea what amount of work others do and never bothered to care.

“any person of color has to work twice as hard”