Ballaban can’t stomach writing anything but anti Trump propaganda.
Foxtrot was one of my favorites, not I can hardly read it because of his constant political avalanche.
Ballaban can’t stomach writing anything but anti Trump propaganda.
Foxtrot was one of my favorites, not I can hardly read it because of his constant political avalanche.
It feels to me like the last time this carrier was mentioned on foxtrot alpha, it was all about how bad the new system was, how the carrier doesn’t work, and how they should do steam.
Thank you for having the integrity to actually want to know.
Whoever did UI for that website should be fired. Clicking on Men’s/Women’s should go to a page with actual images of the styles, instead it toggles a dropdown menu which should appear when you hover over, not click.
Whoever did UI for that website should be fired. Clicking on Men’s/Women’s should go to a page with actual images of…
California’s leaded water crisis is worse than Michigan’s, but it’s a fully Democrat controlled state so you’ll never hear about it.
By all means do both, but the thing is, I know this site well enough to know that “both” most likely isn’t going to happen.
So I can get shadowbanned for posting external links? Nah. I’ll let you humiliate yourself googling genital mutiliations in Detroit and finding that the story is 100% real. I know you already have too, which is why you’re obsessing over this arbitrary requirement that I post something.
That is what happens when you elect a Democrat that gives no fucks about their constituents. They taxed the dogshit out of their residents to fund their identity politics agenda and now the infrastructure is so fucked they don’t have the money to fix it. Also allowing for manufacturing to move overseas brought this…
Miata is again the answer.
The law was based on a legal precept called the “Castle Doctrine” which does not require a person with a gun to retreat in the face of danger, but most people know the law by its more famous nickname: Stand Your Ground.
> “This is a big deal beyond this fake sports league.”
I’m sorry but kindly go fuck yourself. You have absolutely no idea the amount of effort, love, time and dedication these people put into being good at what they do just some asshole online can dismiss it all away by being an offensive douchebag. Your entire point…
30 pieces of silver
It has nothing to do with any of that. How are you this gullible?
“On YouTube, he uploaded a follow-up on the situation where he admitted the error”
permanent uneducated work force
The Captain has the “by law” last word, sure. But, it is like a husband’s “My home is my castle” bleat. It is only his castle until the wife is home.
That United Airlines’s policy forcibly sexualizes children’s bodies is especially reprehensible
Holy lol time!
“It is estimated that 200,000 to 300,000 people are homeless in Canada. In the United States there is an estimated 750,000 homeless people. These numbers may show a drastic difference, however it proves that per capita the homelessness rate is lower in the U.S than in Canada.”
Pop in USA: 320M
Pop in…