
What mandate?

1. They aren’t selling many.

Well, there was that Hulk Hogan thing...

Was this really a mystery that the average person couldn’t resolve with just a moment’s pause?

I can’t vouch for this particular trimmer, but I firmly believe you should never pay more than $30something for a beard trimmer or electric shaver. The nicer ones are only marginally nicer, and no matter what you buy the blades will dull and the battery will wear out within a few years, and the cost of replacing

I can’t vouch for this particular trimmer, but I firmly believe you should never pay more than $30something for a

From the WD-40 website -

Who invented the instruments that are used to play jazz music?

Moana was robbed, ROBBED!

While unions had their place back in the day, I think it has been proven very well by Toyota, Nissan, Mercedes, BMW and VW at their American plants that you can pay a living wage, benefits and bonuses without the burdensome overhead of a union. Maybe Musk should do a COLA adjustment, but otherwise I don’t think a

Nah, he just wanted to extract that extra bit of kinetic energy via regenerative braking while Passat owner couldn’t see it and help VW restore some of that air it polluted over the years. That’s an extra 0.62 Euros he recovered right there.

I knew driver training in Germany was really, really good.

Accurate as ever.

If you seriously think this then you’ll be long dead from a heart attack before any nuclear holocaust ever occurred.

Serious question, why are you more worried about 15k nukes than 3k nukes? Anything over 10-12 going off at the same time has the same net result, the more you add to the number the less we all suffer. Dead is dead, but I prefer death by vaporization that radiation poisoning.

It’s Brooklyn.

Stop saying immigrant labor and start saying illegal slave labor you Democrat cracker.

We have high tech industry like heavy equipment production, aircraft etc.

So you must be saying that when illegal immigration was as its lowest point in American history, there were no hotels.

So you must be saying that when illegal immigration was as its lowest point in American history, there were no restaurants.
