
Dog Fister > Everything.

And Sean pointed that out in his caption to that photo.

It was so bad, Derrick Rose announced he's going to sit out another year.


This might be my favorite Butters name yet, Butters. Can't beat a Simon & Garfunkel reference.

That also pissed me off so much. Its like, " What?! Spend my time doing things that I LIKE???? I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT. THANKS SO FUCKING MUCH."

Doing something you don't love is difficult. Doing something you do love is easy. Try to make your living doing something you love.

did you see where he put in the story the fact that cliff lee got injured yesterday?

His yelling "Fuck" was a delayed reaction to still being on the Phillies after the trade deadline had passed.

Don't worry Asdrubal, I'm sure the Indians will take you back soon.

I'd be sad, too. History, recent or otherwise, hasn't shown Washington to be very hospitable to Indians.

Amaro just gave Posnanski 6/220 to play right field.

Is this something we seriously need to be told in 2014?

Bah. Is he a surgeon or is he a general? If he can't make up his mind on that simple question, why I should I trust him on the subject of sun exposure?

This whole article screams projection:

Which website do you work for? Is it Buzzfeed? I bet it's Buzzfeed.

Sometimes I fucking hate the over-the-top feminism on display at Jezebel. I can't understand the idea of "slut-shaming" in regards to this story. I do not watch the show but can appreciate the detailed recap of this relationship. Why, because this man is hurting and therefore speaking out of that hurt and anger,

Yeah, you might, and it's not redundant. It's done to avoid a situation where you are only charged with the most serious offense and, for whatever reason, the prosecution fails to prove the elements necessary to convict, therefore allowing you to get off scot free.

Well he did K 9.