Danny Ainge is quietly leaking out details to the Globe about he, Danny Ainge, almost orchestrated a magnificent Aingean trade to land Jah for a second round pick in 2022.
Danny Ainge is quietly leaking out details to the Globe about he, Danny Ainge, almost orchestrated a magnificent Aingean trade to land Jah for a second round pick in 2022.
If the DNC goes more centrist, then that opens up a spot to the left for a third party.
I’m waiting for my apology.
Some Sixers tickets have been going 4 times face value on StubHub. So those kids might appreciate the income.
Bryan Colangelo went through an in-depth vetting process before he was hired as GM of the team. I trust that he - and he alone - has the skills to guide this team to greatness. Just like he did in Toronto and Phoenix.
Nice try, Gizmodo. It’s less than 0° C where I am, so clearly there’s no such thing as climate change.
In these trying times, it’s great to see we can all still unite and hate Duke.
Peter Thiel is gonna sue you so hard for this.
What if you shoot the missle before it hits? That’s how it works, right?
Uh oh - Oakley stepping in.
I didn’t know Draymond was a guest lecturer in Duke’s Physiology department.
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
That won’t work. Wake up sheeple!
Yea. And don’t forget about the lizard people’s ability to read minds. Where’s the tape to protect us from that?
You can do it, l’il brudder.
If New Zealand can survive the wrath of Sauron, then it can survive the meltdown of the USA.
And Big Ben didn’t push to stay in Providence?
In my America, the boat is named that, and there’s nothing you can say that can convince me otherwise. Did you also know the great American nautical vessel was previously named after a legendary American broadcaster?
Just ask Boaty McBoatface.