Modern British culture is a result of centuries of invasions and migrations. Each group brought their own influences that have resulted in what is currently the UK. The definition of authentic British culture is always changing.
Modern British culture is a result of centuries of invasions and migrations. Each group brought their own influences that have resulted in what is currently the UK. The definition of authentic British culture is always changing.
Nope, it’s true. Racist old people.
I’m all about the condescension on this one. Keep it up, Raphael!
Boris Johnson, Upper Class Twit of The Year winner 20 years in a row.
People have a short memory and little to no desire to perform due diligence on matters that WILL greatly effect their lives in the future.
We think there was a massive alien paralyzation ray trained on us because NO ONE remembers voting for him. There’s probably chips implanted in all our brains now.
The amazing thing is that Scott (my god, could any man look more like a walking penis?) is universally loathed by so many Floridians — and yet he was still elected. Twice. Just food for thought on our vulnerability to Trump winning.
I wonder if Florida’s crazy ass gun laws having any impact on snowbirds and tourism. This is purely anecdotal, but where I live middle class people of a certain age retired to Florida by default. I’ve seen a recent trend in people my parents’ age retiring to more exotic locales (Portugal and Belize are becoming…
Reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Bart and Lisa just shove weeks of trash under the carpet and sofa, and then when Homer and Marge come home and everyone is sitting on it enjoying their TV dinners, the couch goes boom...
It’s like when you’re 12 and your mom told you to clean your room before she got home from work. You obviously spend all day not doing it and then spring to frantic action shoving all your crap in your closet the second you hear your garage door open.
Or a life where he’s willfully blinded himself to the fact that he’s subjecting poverty-stricken young men to lifelong brain damage without even paying them!
Tell him to get in line.
GA AD - “What is this list?”
Few things in his professional life have bothered him more than providing a box of condoms and a couple of bottles of booze as part of concert rider? This is one of the things that vexes him the most in a long career in college athletics? He must have led a pretty amazingly drama-free life up to this point.
“What I wouldn’t give for a scandal about a spring game entertainment rider right about now.”
The phrase “women’s health issues or something” makes me want to kick him right in his shriveled dick or something.
It’s like a litmus test for how selfish a person is.
I’m in my thirties now and working in legal aid. I would have to have an actual brain injury and total amnesia to see what I see every day in the lives of my clients and turn around and become conservative. If you open your eyes to the reality of the effects of politics on people’s lives, I don’t know how you can…
“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 40, you have no head.”
It’s nice when people talk about how fiscally conservative their policies are and then when you point out that free birth control prevents expensive health care and welfare costs down the line, for people they don’t want reproducing anyway, or how free/cheap public housing for the homeless drives down spending for…