Molon Labe? What, is that Greek for Labia Mole?
Molon Labe? What, is that Greek for Labia Mole?
Little known historical fact: When he taunted the Persian invaders with “Come and take them!” Leonidas was actually referring to the Spartans’ depilatory kits.
I feel like Sarah is singing “Dear Future Husband” in her head...
I swear a fisting competition has more dignity than the Republican party.
It’s a bogus argument that it’s a pain to get a fingerprint background check.
You equating BLM with Nazism says all there is to know about you.
really? it surprises you? did you just convert to christianity last week? not trying to be a dick here, but this kinda behavior aint exactly new.
Driving away from customers and boasting about it in the media is certainly not going to get him paid.
Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring - Obamaphone!
I hope I can catch these guys on this tour- they’re playing Madison Square Garden, the Beacon Theater, Radio City Music Hall, and the Los Angeles Forum.
Please, just let these phuckers secede. They haven’t changed their ways in 200 years, so just give them over to Satan already...
Yeah. As an outsider, it’s hard to avoid thinking that the best thing that could happen to the US right now is for all the former Confederate states to be allowed to go their own way. They’re holding the country back.
One key thing here: Justice has a recent federal appellate decision on their side. The 4th Circuit, which covers NC, said the DOE was entitled to interpret Title IX to include transgender discrimination. That’s the real club here, not Title VII but federal funding under Title IX. They could eviscerate school budgets…
Reminds me of Peggy Noonan stating her comfort with Mitt Romney’s popularity because of the Romney yard signs in the upper-class DC suburbs. I shit you not.
According to George Will, being raped is “coveted status that confers privileges.”
If you think Trump winning would be unfair, what would a fair result be? The GOP had 4 years to come up with candidates that weren’t chucklefucks or robots. They failed. They made their Trump bed, now they can lie in it.
Republicans openly brag when they pass legislation that the public opposes by wide margins in polling. Hardly surprising to see them shit on their own constituents by trying to shoehorn a sham candidate in there. I’m so jaded after six months of this shit that I’m almost hoping for more spectacle.
Beta Dads
I have ridden alone in an elevator with George Will many times and have yet to make his head explode with my thoughts. I apologize.
“A convention’s sovereign duty is to choose a plausible nominee who has a reasonable chance to win, not to passively affirm the will of a mere plurality of voters recorded episodically in a protracted process.”