
Man he really kept that going for a solid 4 minutes. I thought it was just going to be the intro and maybe for the predators recap. But nope - he stuck with that lame bit the entire time. Kind of impressive.

I think the “Back to you, you sexy motherfucker” is what got him.

Especially the LDS church. I’m inactive now, but let me tell you, it was so much fun being the one blamed for the divorce - despite my ex’s abysmal track record of even keeping a job. (Not to mention the million other reasons I dumped him.)

I can’t believe how much humanity he has and how kids loooooove him because he clearly looooove all kids. All the good and great stuff he’s done... nothing, to me, compares to his kid time—-> legacy.

I love his obvious joy at spending time with all children. I love his genuine charming enthusiasm for everything. You can see the dorky smart eleven-year-old he must have been inside, still thinking”I can’t believe I get to do this for part of my job!”

No, implying that the dildo was on top of the pillow not underneath. Ted is the dildo in this statement.

A 76 page brief seems a little overzealous without a personal motive.