I’ll let you in on a little secret: Outrage shortens the lives of the Outraged.
I’ll let you in on a little secret: Outrage shortens the lives of the Outraged.
Huffington Post notes that the $3.5 million is more than some of his Republican rivals have raised in the last three months.
You read a book called Atlas Shrugged, or tried to.
The parents, media, et al seem to have become more hysterical about sexting than about the occasional mass outbreaks of syphilis that occur in American high schools and junior high schools.
Through the years, Jerry Jones and his son have de-evolved from the Borderline-Personality-Disorder-But-Still-Human level to the Lizard-Brain, Sub-Human level. And all that, just to field mediocre teams. Professional sports in this country is over.
“Bob, were you really a drill sargeant?”
It’s a new app: Scrotoshop.
The Greatest Irony of All: If it weren’t for women members, there would be no churches. Anywhere.
One simple life lesson: Just always be the adult in the room. That’s all you have to do. Do that one thing, and you will be immensely successful your whole life.