Abby’s not technically back on the market- she has a new girlfriend, that Christian blogger. They announced their relationship a few weeks ago. Abby’s divorce was just finalized. Hopes dashed :/
Abby’s not technically back on the market- she has a new girlfriend, that Christian blogger. They announced their relationship a few weeks ago. Abby’s divorce was just finalized. Hopes dashed :/
I LOVE Aubrey Plaza as Aaron Burr, sir, and I think she should totally be in a genderbent version on B-way or somewhere. Genderbent Hamilton revival.
YUUUUUP. I haven’t seen my mom’s side of the family since Easter 2014 because several of them have terrible thoughts and opinions that they can’t keep to themselves and there’s not enough liquor in the world for me to handle that mess. It’s liberating. Plus you get to make new traditions with friends or lovers or cats…
You can’t just call him “Not-Mum”!
Diet Apocalypse.
I’ve done that on Facebook today. This guy is rapidly heading to defriend island. The only reason he’s not there already is because I hid him from my newsfeed ages ago and assumed he had done the same.
It was actually about 5 years ago this week, during my junior year of college. I was president of my department’s academic club and we were down in [humid warm state] for a national conference. There were 7 of us on the trip (6 female, 1 male) plus 4 professors (all female). Before we even got to the hotel, there was…
I’m glad I didn’t have to work today (I’m a nanny) and that I have the next week off. My kids were SO excited for Hillary and I’m glad I don’t have to be the one to process this with them. I basically cried from 4-8 am, got coffee, got high, and now I’m drinking. I’ve been randomly crying throughout the day. My state…
I may have to work for a couple hours and I have a training from 6:30-9, but as soon as I get home I have a bottle of local blueberry wine. I’m planning on not looking at election results until Wednesday if I can avoid it. We also have about 1/3 bottle of Kraken so that’s probably enough to kill me if I need it to.
Fucking yup. My bachelor’s is in early ed and of the 25-ish people I graduated with, only about 10 of us are still in childcare. Out of that 10, about 5 of us are nannies because the pay is way better. Interestingly those of us still in the field have partners who make a decent wage to offset our low income.
I helped petition to try to get my math teacher fired in 6th-7th grades. I think we were his first class so he was awkward and frazzled (and us being middle schoolers didn’t help anything) and we called him “Mr. Man-Molester” because he “looked gay.” It’s been 15 years since then and I still feel bad. My mom is now a…
I hate pickles now.
I don’t know why this exists but I’m glad it does.
Who the fuck hates pickles? I think Justin might be a lizard in a human costume.
Fucking yup. I kicked a 5 year old’s ass at the Game of Life today and I don’t feel bad at all. Builds character. He’s gotten to the point where he doesn’t cry after losing or gloat too much after winning, so he’s already better than Drumpf.
YES. I got a sample of them at a conference once and they are amazing. Can’t justify the purchase price (especially since I’d be buying for kids who aren’t mine) but I totally love them.
Dorms are creepy as fuck. I was on summer staff in college and had to stay in nearly-empty buildings, usually in unoccupied wings, and I ALWAYS got the creeps. No so much in one building, where I’d lived for two years, but in the ones that used to be a hospital. Also I was an RA in the oldest non-renovated dorm for a…
That’s a beautiful statement. Hopefully the fact that she put a human face on the people being threatened stops the hate.