This is absolutely my favorite chill out show. I've learned more from 8 hours of this than however many hours of Food Network competitions I watch. Added bonus for my husband- I ALWAYS bake after I marathon it!
This is absolutely my favorite chill out show. I've learned more from 8 hours of this than however many hours of Food Network competitions I watch. Added bonus for my husband- I ALWAYS bake after I marathon it!
The Red OctKrieger
“The top ten are [...] Dorth Vade[...]”
Miranda Lambert. Much more in line with CCB’s values and bullshit.
He can fucking get it. Best part, he no longer looks like my Baptist brother-in-law. Which is good.
I did a REALLY ugly laugh at “Sour Cream Abortion.”
Is your last name Lannister, perchance?
Oh we tried. It ended in blood haha
One of my favorite Christmas memories is arguing with my cousins over who would ride that!
An American Girl doll, specifically Felicity or Kirsten. My parents bought my niece (dad’s granddaughter, I think she was 4) one before they bought me Kirsten when I was 11. My rich cousin had 3 AG dolls before she was 7 and now the rich 8-yo girl I nanny has 2 and an AG horse coming for Christmas. I swear I'm not…
Oooh yes, she also said to call the police to make sure it was actually a cop following you! Of course, that was in the days before hands free laws, so now I wouldn't be able to do it.
I was told (not by any law enforcement but by my mom, so caveat emptor) that using your emergency flashers and slowing way down was a good way to do it. However, a woman was arrested recently for doing just that. So I dunno. I guess we’re just supposed to trust the cops. /sarcasm/
It can stay the fuck away. My husband’s a meteorologist and he and his coworkers are all so upset.
Mime. Or that I'm in an ironic Maroon 5 cover band.
Sophomore year of high school (November ‘06) I was 15, with a 17 year old boyfriend who had a car. We’d just gotten done being grounded for staying out past curfew (and we both got grounded because our parents collaborated on punishing us). So he picked me up from my job shadow day, and we drove out to our little make…
Tell them that I used to watch The Simpsons at church for our youth group’s year of “The Gospel According To Homer.” See how fast their head explodes.
There was a guy in my hometown who was really well-liked, did good things in the community, and was locally famous for sitting outside and waving to cars going by after he retired. (Not a lot going on in my medium-sized New Hampshire town, obviously.) When he passed away my husband’s home church (Baptists) straight up…
A fairly significant number of my wealthy New England friends get married at Disney. It’s, like, they ultimate status symbol- you can afford to rent the fancy spaces and fly down for a week or two and be a “princess.” It's gross.