
“There’s a cultural desert there.”

Some people hoard them.

In 2003 Some friends and I went to a Giants v. Phillies game in SF. This was when Pat Burrell was still playing LF for the Phils. He was having a HORRIBLE year, finished the season batting barely over 200. So of course the bleacher creatures were giving him the absolute business all game long. Pretty sure he struckout


Shutting someone up with a dong is among the most satisfying things in this world.

The world needs more of this. I want a recurring series of Butterfly Effect rundowns. Things like, “If Golden Tate HADN’T Boned Russell’s Wife”, and “If Darko Wasn’t Shitty at Basketball”.

It’s like that Gwyneth Paltrow movie, Sliding Balls.

What surprises me about cops in the US, given their excessive authority, is how little training they receive and how poor the recruitment standards are.

I have family members and friends that are police officers. Love them to death. However some of them are police officers because they are hotheads that never could think rationally.

I am a firm believer in fighting crazy with crazy. You wackjobs want to protect your precious right to have assault rifles? Here’s someone that died because he legally purchased a gun, legally acquired a concealled carry permit, informed the officer that he had the gun on his person, and was killed. That’s either a

If so many cops are that nervous, they shouldn't be cops. Fear clouds your mind and makes you make bad decisions.

And yet belligerent white men prancing around with assault rifles don’t even merit a second glance from most cops.

Right now, the standard applied for officers using deadly force isn’t “is it reasonable for the officer to be in fear for his life?”, but simply “is he in fear for his life?”

3. The victim has a police record!

And what happened to the idea that if you’re going to be a police officer, you’re going to be putting your life on the line to serve the public? That means you sometimes have to take a risk and not fucking shoot someone just because they might pose a threat.

And, of course, carrying a licensed gun is totally legal under THE ALMIGHTY SECOND AMENDMENT which it appears all the same racist idiots are so protective of.

Apparently we here in the US have the world's most skittish cops, who are frightened of every twitch and shadow that they see. Here's an idea: if you are constantly afraid for your life, maybe being a cop isn't for you. Maybe you should try something a little more low key, like being a meter minder; empty cars rarely

What just floors me- and it shouldn’t, I should be used to it, but it does, is that there are two instant reactions I see from a certain group of people whenever these tragedies happen:

And in answer to your headline, yes, I’m afraid you will. It breaks my heart that a part of me is grateful that my son inherited his father’s light skin tone instead of my own.

Yes! Newt & Hicks LIVE! Fuck you, Fincher!