Hey Otis!

I vote for the cover of "Come Together". I fucking hate Aerosmith.

Not sure why. Can't really jinx the guy anymore.

I'd say Whitlock is more similar to Paris Hilton in that both of them are whiny attention whores.

This page sounds cocktastic.

@UpstateUnderdog: And to think, people used to get shot over those jackets.

@Bobby Big Wheel: Carl reminded everyone that he's the boss when he banged Mona.

The MLB is doing its best to make soccer hooliganism look family friendly.

Should have know Lenny was destined to fail when Jim Cramer plugged him as "one of the great ones".

Canseco has been checking the mailbox daily for his HoF nomination.

@ChiSwede: Spellcheck doesn't catch the grammatical errors. Always amusing to hear someone called a "twat".

@PolishMafia: Agreed. Boobs are better than horrific injury pictures.

If Mike Ness sat in more Lakers boxes with 4 hot blondes surrounding him, maybe he wouldn't have so much angst.