Hey Dudeses

I’m not really fat, but I do own a few swords.. I may actually use this when I have to go walk somewhere at night.

I have the same decorative sword as the guy in the first story. And I live in Texas. Time to look cool.

I’ll be doing what I do every evening.. Rocket League with my best friend. I was really late into Rocket League because I’m not a sports person, but it went on sale during the Summer and I bought it. I’ve been addicted since. We’re only bronze ranked right now, but I’ve dipped in and out of silver a bit. I’m right on

I’m sorry to tell you, but you’ve still got the gray.

It’s fine, they can just include a handy flow-chart on all of their movie posters.

Is it grays or greys?...my brain doesn’t remember which one I’ve been using my whole life. Good job memory!

I too tried about 10 times to claim my account...maybe more. It finally got me out of the grays. I hope you’re good too.

I can’t wait to crossplay with my mario chaps while I’m on the xbox one. Spread out the love. And I hope I can see these new cars even though I’m on xbox.

On another post, I said I was all for spray deodorants. But this seems more fun. I heard they call it mOld Spice because it’s made of hazardous mold that eats your underarm hair and turns the frogs gay.

I’m going to play devil’s advocate and say yay spray deodorants. Yay, I say! And I’m probably just saying this because I’m happy that I can comment on an advertisement.

Still singing about teenager junk too. Mommy and daddy fighting and getting pointed and laughed at by their peers. Nice work Good Charlotte, slap a sticker on it, it’s done.

Hey, I can blame my puking on the virtual reality sickness rather than the greasy accommodations. Pretty cool way to introduce workers to their new job.

Come on porn people, get some lookalikes together and make this a reality, you greasy sons of bitches!

My ex girlfriend really loved Good Charlotte. It was bad, but it wasn’t a deal breaker for me because I’m not a monster who hates sex with marginally attractive women. I can’t believe that they’d still be around though. I think part of their energy was that they were young and somewhat punky. Once you lose the young

Thank you very much. I don’t think it worked, but your trying is appreciated.

Hi. Why am I gray and why am I not a 25 year old powerlifter anymore?

No sir, I don’t like it.