He took the completely valid points of Reeves’ book about structural economic equality, and then set about trivializing and undermining them with bullshit culture war stuff.
He took the completely valid points of Reeves’ book about structural economic equality, and then set about trivializing and undermining them with bullshit culture war stuff.
what is fish I didn’t need brain food for my GED we just ate our shame
Has not being Marie Le Pen ever really made him a liberal “bae”?
Is the Star Trek thing a for-real atheist symbol?
It doesn’t age well because it succeeded by putting a veneer of contemporary style on the old-fashioned practice of husband-hunting. The nineties are no longer contemporary, so it has become all too clear just how dinosaurian the show’s basic spirit is.
Just here to say I read this headline as “not ready to be a top escort”
Huh. Knife Juggler. Okay, I’ll make a couple of Knife Jugglers.
I can’t get my nearly-identical midrange Hunter deck past level 10.
The “be as vulgar as possible, to the point of murderous threats, all in a desperate attempt to whip up the worst of humanity for the petty victory of a little more press for yourself” side IS the Trump side.
Really? Equating opposition to Trump with the brutal practices of ISIS does no damage to the anti-Trump movement?
The apology is seriously the WORST part. You didn’t make a thoughtless joke about killing someone in a moment of emotion, you prepared an elaborately staged tableau involving prosthetics in order to set the stage for your joke about killing someone.
Can’t it be both? Primal emotions are often cruel.
I don’t get Slipp Slopp and Slapp.
two semi-colons lol
Is there any chance of your brother and his ex agreeing to face the fact that they are not lovers anymore and that his “constantly cheating” is really more just “dating, except it has to be at your place because I live with my children’s mother”?
I feel like it’s a little shady to make the Lysistrata “sex strike” idea the headline when it:
This stuff just makes me shake with rage.
lol clearly this is staying in the grey but the old British guy who made up the rule that Jane Austen is a miniaturist was Jane Austen.
The Bronte sisters and George Eliot are miniaturists? Shelved in “women’s fiction”? What?
I’m sure I don’t need to say this to anyone here, but: