Hexprone plays poorly

How are people who get Steam keys as kickstarter backers categorized?

It’s also hardly cosplay. A blonde girl in lingerie with a clip-on halo does not a Mercy make.

Does Kinja have no support section? Is there no way to deal with these porn-y spam accounts that keep following me? I don’t see any option to block them.

♫♫“Come back to Greater Serbia!
Come Christian, come Jew.
Come back to Greater Serbia
...we’ve cleansed it for you!”♫♫


My boss is a Mexican national who has lived in this country legally since the age of two. She is afraid to visit her family.

Well, to be fair, the Bible is clear in its prohibition against dating Asian girls.

Well. I guess death is the name of the game all round.

Oh my goodness all the sulky-model-disappointed-in-the-world faces translate perfectly into little-kid-forced-to-wear-an-awful-sweater-for-a-photo faces.

lol I did not realize this article was so old

And this is what passes for principled resistance.

This is a lie.

Bitch you like Mariah Carey you don’t get to sneer at technically excellent performers with very poor taste.

They’re actually not auto-tuned. Or if they are, they don’t have to be. They’re all really tight and the four boys have genuinely unusual vocal gifts.

Looking at that sign, I’m kind of surprised the claim wasn’t that this is a Muslim pedophile pizza parlor.

How do they depict the holy spirit?

What I want to know is — are there more high-level fish to catch? Once you max out your fishing stat the minigame becomes boring because almost everything except the four legendaries becomes trivially easy.

a guilt-ridden, emotionally stunted, straight alpha male trapped in a state of inconsolable grief

And the “blaming everyone but Clinton and the Dems for Clinton and the Dems’ embarrassing failure” parade continues.

Ha ha, these are great, I’ll totally spend $20 on ... oh.