billie is an adult and can make her own decisions. the outrage over a 20 year old woman dating a 30 year old man feels more misogynist and patriarchal than the actual act itself tbh.
billie is an adult and can make her own decisions. the outrage over a 20 year old woman dating a 30 year old man feels more misogynist and patriarchal than the actual act itself tbh.
The real Disco Elysium is the lives capitalism ruined along the way
“White Affluent Gay” says what? This is not a report, this is not an article, this is an opinion piece that seems to be excusing and apologuising for all the affluent (mostly white) gays that have been learning about accountability in real time.
Any chance for a civil suit from the black men who likely got dragged in ever-so-gently for this woman’s bullshit? Any recourse for 18-49-year-old black men who were in the radius of that woman who could’ve been terrorized by wannabe heroes - ‘good guy with guns’? Jeez, if going to be a shitty human being claim a…
They should sue her ass. I’ll contribute to a legal GoFundMe campaign.
She chose fictional black men because she knew...consciously or not, that all disbelief would be suspended automatically. She should have have to pay the men who were questioned.
Here’s the thing. As a man that has been around these kinds of men when women are not around, this is making them worse. When men become willingly submissive, most often it’s because they know that they can turn that around on a dime any moment of their choosing; so the whole thing is a bad-faith exercise for them…
The casual, ha-ha-isn’t-sex-work-fun tone of this article is frankly irresponsible. That one paragraph addressing the downsides completely neglects the risk of public outing, stalking, and even violence findoms can face.
You know... I see this comment and it reminds me of the times I’ve lamented that some PC game isn’t coming out on the PlayStation 4 (which doesn’t happen often), only to have some member of the elite PC master race come up to me (and this happens every time) and say:
Dear Squeenix,
You have a brief window after posting in which you can edit them. After that, not.
Don’t say “Bye, bitch.” Say “Au revoir, asshole.”
What about a sort of ceviche/poke hybrid if the fish is cheap?
Damien’s route has the best Mary, hands down! We see her as a snarky but ultimately good and loving person in that one.
After having my own kids get rung through the system for something that happened to them I am VERY wary of social services. My kids were the victims in this scenario and yet we had these people in our lives multiple times a week making both of our kids miserable in a way that I didn’t know was possible. My daughter…
Dumb usage of the word appropriation, or dumb and ahistorical and culturally illiterate usage of the word appropriation?