Well now that Argentina started to export meat to Japan they have no excuses to use good quality roast beef.
Born in a poor family in Argentina is the punishment... the point is in Argentina we dont have good adoption laws, either we have a good orphanage system, being 30% of the population poor and having lots of kids sadly abortion could be some sort of solution to avoid putting more and more kids in the streets.
For my…
By now I guess I already saw the ending of Stardust Crusaders, I’m not completely sure what was the end of that I saw it a long time ago but in Stardust Crusaders Season 2 is when he trully shines, if you like it so far dont stop until the end of SDC2, point is Jotaro is a genius, his intelligence is on another level…
Six episodes from finishing SDC and saying Jotaro is not interesting... well, I feel that you may change your mind after those six episodes... if not I dont know maybe is not your type of anime, part 4 is really different from previous parts but regardless of that Stands are not going anywhere, yet I found Part 2 and…
Why build pyramids?...
I hear Yanny and nothing else.
j4x_ if Mario is not a synonymous of platformer I dont know what it is.
I can think of a lot of platformers but Mario is and will always be the first to came on my mind.
Now the point of a good game is replayability, if you can get to a formula that extends the replayability of a game through time you can then release…
Claro lo que hicieron alla es comercializar la mezcla... como aca el fernet Chabona, Fernando, Fernandito, etc. pero son bastante malos esos, Te imaginas? una union Branca/Coca-Cola que saquen una Lata de Fernet con Coca? ahi si estaria bien...
I guess its a derivation of the Einstein Puzzle right?
Arnheim for me there is a bigger problem here, I dont really think that people is just againts your argument but they have deeper feelings regarding this whole situation, mainly... fear.
So if it is not to big of a deal hear me out for a bit, this is just my... MY point of view, and I’m from a different country but…
A single *beep*
Well true but, at the end, the police officer has the ultimate blame, if you think about it, that mistake could have happen now or later on, but a person that doesnt hesitate to pull the trigger in a civilian situation is wrong in every way possible.
Now, I’m not from the US so I didnt see the news about this but I…
“The Earth is Flat.”
Zelda, the boy.
En realidad nunca se “paso de -1 a +1 directamente” que te pensa? que los tipos sabian que jesu iba a nacer? :P, en realidad ni les importo a los que empezaron a usar el primer calendario d.C. es como que no les importaba mucho el a.C.
De todas formas, volviendo un poco mas al tema, cambiar d.C. por E.C. me parece…
Los puntos de vista, las dudas, incertidumbres y huevadas se terminan cuando se regularización el uso del tatuaje, imaginate que hoy por hoy cualquiera se puede hacer el tatuaje o es mas, imaginate si un asesino droga a una persona, la lleva al borde de la muerte, le tatua eso al individuo, y sale inmune o hasta con…
Yo creo que el 5% de los flatearthers realmente piensa que la tierra es plana... y eso es porque tienen problemas mentales, el otro 95% solamente les gusta ver al mundo arder.
Y pero... primero tendria que empezar a ser Democracia eso...
el inMaduro
Impresoras a tinta en 2017