
Attractive only when you dont play the pirate version ofc...

I understand what you are trying to say, but, I dont feel that it should apply to Wolfenstein 2 or any Wolfenstein in that matter, I, as an old-school shooter player feel that the feeling of that menu is one of the things that you dont find very often, for me its funny, its the same for me if I choose one or another

Nono, la idea es que sobreviva, sea honesto y compruebe que es redonda a ver si asi los otros idiotas siguen de creer huevadas.

Maybe thats the personal style of the animator, usually animators dont change their style a lot cuz its difficult for them, and also its their own personality, watch for example the channel “Draw with Jazza” and you will see, that guy explain how to work with different styles yet he always end up using some sort of

Only thing I dont understand... is what is there to not understand about Discord?, its simple and usefull :P

It highly depends on the willingness of the seller to make a discount like (Ok 30% off because of roaches infestation) I would buy it no doubt... for a 40% discount (after some talk) and then clean it... oh no wait I would never buy a console...

Hay varias formas, y de hecho en una de esas ofrezcan varias formas de hacerlo, por ejemplo se puede hacer con un procedimiento de transferencia bancaria, aunque la seguridad de los bancos en una de esas no lo admita, otra forma podria ser tarjeta de credito que es mas transparente para hacer pagos, pero entiendo que

Eso y un spin-off de Tom Bombadil

I dont understand your point, what is the “failed socialism crap”? cuz I cant understand your position in the matter of the Venezuelan problems, seems like you are saying that they doesnt have “such a big problem”... Thou I highly doubt that you can really see their problems in your daily life, just by pointing to a

In Blood and Blood 2: The Choosen you have the Flare Gun, if my memory is good it was the Started Weapon in Blood and only in Blood 2 you have the typicall Beretta, and it was amazing, how it burns enemies down, the second shot that shoot the whole barrel and explode was amazing, ofc then you have the Sawed-Off

Lo que vos acabas de decir es no solo un error si no que encima es contradictorio totalmente. Lee lo que pusiste un par de veces y vas a ver como pierde sentido porque se contradice.

Yo compre el juego teniendo una PC con un AMD FX8150 + Video Sapphire R9 270x + Mother MSI 970 Gaming, basicamente un setup de mother, micro y video MUY bueno que deberia correr sobrado el Arkham pero poca RAM, tan solo 4Gb de 1600 con esa cantidad de RAM en Windows 7 el juego era completamente injugable... 1FPS o