
Honestly, yeah! I'm old enough to remember when the U.S. Still got everything first (film, music etc) and was always cooler than the UK. Based on that, it seemed a bit odd to me that we would have a better version (at least in my vegetarian view) of McDonalds than the U.S. does.

It's not even quorn type stuff here - a veggie burger or wrap, or salad that hasn't got chicken on! It's weird - I can't remember the last time there was a menu with no veggie option on it that I saw in the UK. In the U.S., it was a lot more normal.

I went to an American McDonalds a few weeks ago. There was nothing vegetarian at all. The cashier offered me a Big Mac without the burger. Is that normal? In the UK there are usually a few things I can eat, and in India there were loads. I couldn’t quite believe it.

Oh gosh. Had tickets to see them in about 2000 in London. Travelled 7 hours from Leeds to London on a coach the day of the show. Air-con was broken, and bus was inexplicably full of nuns. In my new found 18 year old atheism, I was wearing a t-shirt that said ‘God is dead’, however my previous 18 years of Catholic

I'm emerald green right now and dear god, the fading! It feels like the sunshine fades it it's that fast!

At two I planted a kitten to grow a kitten tree.

I was a very anxious child. One day, when discussing science type stuff when I was about five, mum told me that one day the sun would go out, and without the heat and light it provided we would all die. True and all that, but she never provided a timescale.

Creepy vocabulary child too.

I hate my job. It's easy, and I am well paid but while not a start up, it's a similar style of environment. They want my soul.

I liked him better before.

The worst one!

How man, like! My Geordie accent is proper lush like!

I had this as a child. I would eat baked potatoes (with cheese OR butter - never both as they weren't allowed to touch) plain pasta with cheese OR butter (see above!) and pizza (cheese only). Nothing else.

Aw! I am not a habitual 'x'er - I only do it to my mum and my boyfriend because they do it to me and it feels weird not to reciprocate, but the idea of the rest of the world not doing it makes me a little sad!

That's a British thing? Really? How do mum's around the rest of the world end their texts and emails?

My mother and the great north eastern England storm of 2014.

It's Maccy D's in the UK...

I got one!

I'm 4ft 11 but have never had a boyfriend less than 6ft (6ft 8 is my record!)

last time I went to buy a car I had my boyfriend with me. I know far more about cars than he does (I owned a mini that broke down a lot. Inconvenient, but I learned so much!)