
I’m not, read Forbes and read THR, there you will find the data. and not not every movie is a flop the 100 million for marketing cost is the estimated cost for big tent pole films like BvS

4 times its budget?? maybe a bit more than 3 times but do you know the box office totals does not belong to the Studio right? and you know that the reported budget does not include marketing expenses right?

4 times its budget?? maybe a bit more than 3 times but do you know the box office totals does not belong to the Studio right? and you know that the reported budget does not include marketing expenses right?

4 times its budget?? maybe a bit more than 3 times but do you know the box office totals does not belong to the Studio right? and you know that the reported budget does not include marketing expenses right?

4 times its budget?? maybe a bit more than 3 times but do you know the box office totals does not belong to the Studio right? and you know that the reported budget does not include marketing expenses right?

4 times its budget?? maybe a bit more than 3 times but do you know the box office totals does not belong to the Studio right? and you know that the reported budget does not include marketing expenses right?

Hello again,

But Ironman don’t, Cap’s either... lets see about avengers

Well, I agree, I’m not a denier, just a guy tired of the alarmist/pessimist propaganda.

Yikes!, I might have missed that one maybe because of the negativism in the title, but it actually reinforce my point.

Totally agree with you, I feel the same way about our current consumption of oil and carbon base energy, I feel bad I have to use it, but there is no other viable (economic) option right now.

Ok, I’ll stop if you do, and continue saving the planet by typing on a keyboard, WAY TO GO PLANET WARRIOR!

Yup, I haven’t because even if all these predictions are right (which BTW all of Gore’s were not) there is nothing we can do, if you think that repeating stuff you read from some else make it true, or make you a better person than me then you are very very wrong.

I agree with all you have said, everything is on point, and I understand your position, and with all things said you understand my point, there is nothing the people living with the minimum required for a comfortable life can’t be asked to do more sacrifices, and that was my point, all these articles saying

To be honest I don’t, and you don’t either, neither our generation or 3 previous have experimented, SO don’t preach something you don’t know.

Don’t get me wrong, I live in a desert, not like in the middle of the Sahara or the Mojave, a city in Mexico in the middle of a deserted/barren area, it has been like this for centuries, we don’t have any forests or big trees areas around, we are surrounded by mountains though (Big rocky mountain, not very green

Hahahahahaha, nah I don’t have I plan to have one though but I won’t worry about his future, if this climate change trend was in full boom back in my grandpa and dad days I might not be here, so I think I will have some kids try to educate them as good as possible and then let them figure out on their own as my father

I’m an android user and you got us good, but worry not we procreate without any restriction in our 3rd world corner :D

nah, it wont affect us or our children, if something happens (BIG IF!!) it will be so far away in the future so we will be long dead by then!

you too!, hey this is fun! calling people names without any argument!