nope, because it wont, you know climate and wheater is not the same... SOOOO
nope, because it wont, you know climate and wheater is not the same... SOOOO
Both sound awesome, we can use GRR Martin as our gospel for the bleak future
But they are related, I’m not a denier, I’m just pointing that even if some regions of the earth are having bad times because of this change, other parts are having good times, and while I care about this, I’m just helpless trying to make any change that will help, I’m doing everything that I can without affecting my…
SO? there is nothing we can do about it!, what’s with the panic then? I remember 2006 and where I live it was a hotter year than this year, we are having nicer weather and more rains in the last couple of years, so if all this is consequence of the global warming/climate change, I welcome it.
SO? there is nothing we can do about it!, what’s with the panic then? I remember 2006 and where I live it was a hotter year than this year, we are having nicer weather and more rains in the last couple of years, so if all this is consequence of the global warming/climate change, I welcome it.
Redhead : *check*
it’s more funny it turned out to be a better movie than BvS.
ugh, agree, also shot in Mexico in english? like with mexicans speaking english UGH, or a mexican director giving instructions to american actors in spanglish... UGGGHHH, also blatant product placement for both markets UUUGGHHH
Hahahahaha I think is part of the strategy to get people to sign into BLIM, televisa’s Netflix clone, but it will suck as everything televisa’s does
Agreed, I think they deviated from cannon regarding Bullseye killing Elektra, so in a way they have him available as a hit-man (there is a theory that he was the sniper that killed the crooked detective in season one, and I think his logo showed for a second on his duffle bag) working for Kingpin and killing Karen as…
the last one is easy, cloud city plantet/system is close to a GIGANTIC black hole, so 2 hours there is equivalent to some months/years on dagoba system, SCIENCE BITCH!