
And their brosefs on NCIS: LA rock an SRT Challenger. I think that wins.

Faux Feige: “I’m calling a meeting.”

And Guillermo del Toro was originally signed on for Justice league dark. He dropped out in favour of Pacific Rim 2 (which he also dropped out of)

At the premiere of Logan Noir, director James Mangold told fans in the audience he’s already spoken to Sony about the future of X-23 in the X-Men franchise.

At the premiere of Logan Noir, director James Mangold told fans in the audience he’s already spoken to Sony about the future of X-23 in the X-Men franchise

There are a million of those shows on TV, and frankly, most are worse than BBT (which I have occasionally watched). And yet, none of them except BBT get this insane vitriol from the internet. Which shows it has nothing to do with the quality of the show, and everything to do with how way too many nerds simply can’t

I want to give WB a break, I really do, but when you see Marvel have such a clear vision and plan and have executed it exceedingly well for a decade now (whether you like each of the individual end products or not) and then hear this...

Dumping of two of its heroes’ major love interests in this way indicates that Marvel considers many of its female leads rather disposable, which isn’t great.

“This is incredibly ambitious, but we haven’t taken into consideration if something goes wrong.”

Well, that is a 1970 One Mexican Peso coin, in today’s currency it would be worth 1,000th of a current Mexican Peso, and one “New Peso” is worth about 0.049 Dollars. So that coin there is worth 0.000049 Dollars unless my math sucks.

counterpoint, it is a perfect stylistic point. Sorry to say but the DCTVU is starting to move into Smallville levels of camp, they are to the point of being unwatchable (personally i have dropped Arrow, Supergirl and LoT because they are so bad, and Flash has been walking the fine line)

Space Coast: Ghost to Ghost

They should build ports safely away from the oceans :-/

After looking at the actors listed on IMDB, I was glad that they didn’t cast a POC as the invisible boy. That would be like rubbing salt in the wound.

Upvoted because it’s a sensible point, though I will say that there is an argument for matching viewer expectations of normality in the setting in order to heighten the absurdity of the extraordinary elements. You don’t want an audience to be thinking ‘A person of colour in the upper class in 1940s UK? That’s strange’

It’s a made up story/movie about children with superpowers who live on an island in a time loop, managed by a woman who turns into a bird and the thing you find unbelievable is that people of color existed in the UK in the 40's?! Oooooookay.....

That’s hard because they want the muscles too, like a superhero costume. So it’s either accurate brown skin, or white skin which would be another problem entirely.

I don’t get the argument that they didn’t have the time. Where is this imaginary deadline they were up against that stopped them from building a solid foundation for their universe? What was the penalty for releasing more self contained solo movies before doing something like Batman V Superman, Suicide Squad or