@Ava Glasgow: Ok, just tried it by emailing myself an RTF.
@Ava Glasgow: Ok, just tried it by emailing myself an RTF.
@van_line: Foxit is good.
@DanBroChill: The kindle is probably the best one out there so far.
@Raiderboy23: Drink the worst beer available. That way when you drink you're first 'good' beer, you know that it's better.
@Ava Glasgow: I believe OfficeHD does this.
@hewhoroams: hm I can promote my own comment. lol
@wjglenn: Yes, by default it wants to put the new install in a 'beta' directory.
@IceMetalPunk: I've had similar issues with FF 3.6.1, which is one of the main reasons I moved to the beta this morning.
@medopal, medohack: my Xmarks came up as incompatible, did you do anything special?
Unfortunately not a lot of apps yet. I'd love to see an app that renames files, or auto unzips/rars packages once they are downloaded.
@Adam Pash: Thanks! It's just an ipod right now, so putting some Android on it sounds like a lot of fun
That's actually really cool, I think i'll be doing this with my old phone to see what happens.... hmm wait it's a 2G will that work?
Yahtzee is actually a pretty fun game, passing it between friends was a good way to spend a train ride.
@Mostro: I ran through this a while back, it's still not a good
@Whitson Gordon: It bothers me everytime I get a notification that someone liked my comment, then I click on the notification and nada.
Rawr! They didn't include the ability to like comments. I actually like that feature on the web version and still the iphone totally ignores it.
@meow-mixer: just got it, you might to manually update if you're feeling anxious.
Thank god baseball is over so we can have Fringe back!
@Scott D. Feldstein: Good idea, also a good thing to mention at the time of hiring
My boss is 100% biased against it. So I can basically only work from home after hours.