
And it's talking to you. "WTF, eat me!"

When will Grant Ward get redemption?

Also, the value of the story itself didn't change just because the format did.

You know what? That's fine! I didn't want your crappy mass-destructing-doesn't-give-a-fuck-about civilian-casualties-"Superman" messing up my TV show anyway!

More common when you're dealing with YA I'd assume.

It's Marvel's version of Green Lantern. Just no power rings. So they can be any sentient species, I suspect.

Richard Ryder was a human and a Nova, I think they recruit from various worlds.

Dat's nufin

The Iron Giant - superman scene

I always though the PhD hats made you guys look like medieval bakers.

I'm hoping for Teds hetero-lifemate Booster Gold.

Only if it includes his partnership (and banter) with Blue Beetle!

I’m willing to admit it’s way too soon for him to get a statue. Even the Comics Superman didn’t get one until after he died (that I know of). But like I said elsewhere, Lois is a reporter. She would have told the story of his surrender and defense of Metropolis. And it’s not like Superman had a choice to come to Earth


umm.. They live.... Lando yells "yeeeeehah!!" And his co pilot makes the funniest noise in the history of cinema... Where you been bra?

Event Horizon, Event Horizon, Event Horizon...

None—I'm a masochist that way. I love watching scary movies, playing scary videogames, and reading scary books when I'm home alone.