
It doesn't surprise me that I need to go back to 2005. I decided that Battlestar Galactica was the greatest thing since sliced bread and was something I needed to watch roughly four years after it began airing. I did, however, manage to catch up on all of it before Caprica (which sort of didn't make any sense if you

John Hurt has a sonic bandolier. A SONIC BANDOLIER!

Hyped already, loved Human Revolution.

I'll put in a vote for this guy.

Moffat's said he's "lying through his teeth" about a lot of the circumstances surrounding the 50th, and there have been some rumors about McGann's participation in the beginning of the special/some kind of pre-episode. I'm entirely convinced we're seeing him in some story-driven capacity, especially since Hurt's

There are, in fact, regional voices. They're opening up all of the language packs as a soldier customization option. Also, the MEC has some sort of rail gun type option as well.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun did an interview with one of the senior game designers, he said "You can pick between English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Polish. And so now we have an XCOM that feels international as opposed to the group of heroic Americans."

I don't specificity recall, but I guarantee if it does, it's not on par with Trigun :/

The character is actually kind of squicked out when she (rarely) encounters sex. If that's what's worrying you, it's a non-issue in this book.

It helps to understand that Saturn's Children is intended as a satirical "tribute" to late Heinlein and his ridiculous wank-fantasies. The naked mermaid/deep one agent in the second Laundry novel was in the context of satirizing an Ian Flemming (i.e. James Bond) novel, with the whole "Bond Girl" thing. (A joke being

They had to have chemistry. Moffat kept telling us they did.

People really love Jenna

So it begins...

That was good, I particularly loved the use of Elysium to simulate Lex's battlesuit, and the shots from State of Play for Bruce Wayne, but I am very against Cranston as Luthor. He's a good actor, but everything I see him in lately he's just Heisenberg. I don't want Heisenberg as Lex. It lacks the charisma, the charm.

It's never mentioned again because the writers used that tricorder to power their bullsh*t equilibrium generator that prevented the events of any future episode from affecting the events of any other episode.

But a, Jay and Silent Bob Movie? Who would pay to see that?

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