
I agree the original was a bit daft, but adding underwater missions would add a great layer of new gameplay to Enemy Unknown. Half the tech wouldn't work, you'd have to readjust your squad loadouts, and given the aliens propensity for gene modding, you could add new bad guys without the Elder Gods being involved.

Oh ace, I haven't seen that interview, I'll check it out. Thanks!

Cool, I like me some Xcom. Little bit sad that there's no gauss weapons, underwater TERROR or regional voices though. That last one is the most jarring, oddly enough.

That's good, although I wouldn't say it 'worried' me necessarily, more just irked. Like stubbed your toe irked, or only having shitty skimmed milk for cereal irked.

I am aware of both of those things, but there is a fine line between satire and simply emulating something to get a reaction. Coupled with a few other irksome examples in sci-fi writing that I have read over time, it doesn't make me say "Oh gosh, he's really highlighted the issues with sexism and female objectivism,"

It does come across as a little too smug at times. Everyone raves about Accelerando, and I though it was a massive load of pretentious shite. Maybe, as one comment I read ages ago put it, I'm simply 'too stupid to understand'.

Saturn's Children which was the book before the one above, and it's bonkers sex-bot antics. Good ideas aside, it was a little internet-wank-fantasy. Wasn't there a Laundry book where the main character sleeps with a Russian agent who then is naked for a large amount of time? Iron Sunrise also has a stupid scene where

Hmm, dilemma. This sounds interesting, and I love Stross' ideas but...urgh, he's a bit odd with female characters. Even when they are the focus of the story, there's often excessive sexualisation, or they are just there to provide tits. Maybe I am seeing a pattern that isn't there, but it's put me off his works for a

Then it must be true! :o But seriously, they seem alright in the first episode they filmed (the one with the 'ghost', I forget the name) but everything after that seems horribly forced. Even in interviews they sit away from each other.

I don't like Clara as a character, and Jenna always comes across as horribly bland. Even my two year old who gets ridiculously excited about Dr Who frowns when she's on screen. She's a very generic character and I personally can't see this supposed 'chemistry' with Matt Smith; in fact, it looked a lot like they

I fucking LOVED that film.

I'm always up for left-field choices in superhero movies, and Cranston is fine for me, but I am horribly behind in my tv and I haven't watched Breaking Bad yet. Maybe it makes a difference; whenever I see Katee Sackhoff in the Riddick trailer, I just call her Starbuck.

'After an exploding volcano gave him amnesia (#supermanproblems)'

I honestly expected that when he was arrested and put into a cell, he'd grin maniacally and escape, revealing that he WAS THE MANDARIN ALL ALONG!! But seriously, that would have been fun.

And the continuity fairy was a trans-temporal extra-universal fabrication. Voyager was always hampered by some shitty writing and the fact that nothing awful could really happen to the main cast, so solutions always boiled down to magical pseudo-science.

Interesting move, but as long as quality doesn't suffer I'm all for it. I have been watching some of B7 on DVD (I was small when I saw it for the first time) and production values aside, it's a grim, adult version of future with some excellent stories. Good luck replacing Paul Darrow though.

Are you sure? I thought it was used to power the technology to 'un-Borg' Janeway, Tuvoc and Torres later on without so much as a mention of what happened. Also, kudos for the phrase 'bullshit equilibrium generator.' :D

I'll tell you what they DID ignore: in the episode where they get the 29th century holoemitter, they also get a 29th century tri-corder which is NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN.

Well I'm pretty sure the object was at the very least a spaceship, if not an entity in it's own right. It bored a hole straight down on impact. As for why it does what it does, there is only one clear answer: SCIENCE!

And that's what happens if your dad is Gordon Freeman.