
That would have taken time to research and build, but there was the crashed scout ship still about. I suppose he could have crippled Zod in some fashion to keep him still for the time it took. It was always the sun; the atmosphere here is richer and gave him more stamina, which the others adapted to eventually as

In the wider DC Universe, I would agree with you wholeheartedly, but in the self-contained universe of the film, I'm not sure there was one. With the narrative direction they went for, Zod was either going to:


Haha, the cat warfare one made me chuckle. Everyone, including my daughter, turned and looked at me like I'm an infant. It was worth it though.

Ah, EVE. I read this articles about the grandeur of space battles, others about how the universe is crammed full of intricate political machinations, and all I can think is how some dickhead blew up my low-level frigate for no reason other than he could. It took me hours to afford that.

Nuclear hand grenade. That is all.

I did used to enjoy ambushing the aliens in a hail of disruptor fire, something that only happens in bursts when its turn by turn. There used to be an excellent little DOS editor for TFTD that allowed you to fix anything that became corrupted. I think it was the only way I ever got to the end without the whole damn

I have to admit, I loved Apocalypse. The micromanagement of avoiding alien cult influence made it a race for influence. The real time stuff was fine with me; I think too many attempts trying to finish Terror From the Deep and getting shafted by Tentaculats in a single turn numbed me to the turn-based style.

Hooray, more Deus Ex! I have missed being half-arsed stealthy, slipping up and scrabbling behind every potted plant to avoid death. Hmm.

But he's not wearing pants.