
And a monorail.

“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.”

And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!

The William Shatner... dramatic pauses... when... acting.

I see a line of cars and I want to paint them Musou black.
With sparkles and sunlight both never to come back
I see people turn their heads and quickly gasp away
Like a starscape way, it just happens every day

+ A galaxy of Stars for the accurate Zuckerberg take.

It’s also proof that social media is to humans as the Great Machine was to the Krell. Designed with the best of intentions that ultimately backfired by allowing deranged dumbasses to unleash their inner ID.

The end-to-end in 20 minutes boast likely refers to some form of mass transit that doesn’t yet exist.”

“Hey how about we use some immense wealth to solve the hunger crisis, ending homelessness, or stopping climate change?”

I’m really surprised... someone actually got Infected Mushroom!

Dems have been able to rely on Republican opposition to not pass significant relief... Now that they don’t have that excuse, I expect them to find a new one. 

Somebody Set Up Us The Bomb?

Wonderful game but Hardspace: Shipbreaker deserves a mention here.

... Be sure to drink your Ovaltine?

Orange cats are the best cats, and even if you’re seeking an orange specifically, you can’t tell from a photo on Petfinder if you’re going to mesh with that cat! I met 2 other oranges before adopting my boy in 2016...the other 2 were adorable, but weren’t a personality fit...the first was too shy and afraid, and the

Part of the checkout process will be certifying that you’re not Anish Kapoor.

And don’t forget, Jennifer Connelly. NEVER forget Jennifer Connelly.