
BOOM! and if that was my RC plane I would be upset about it, but it is part of the hobby.

I have always been curious about were you got the idea for the very first line in Neuromancer? “The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.”

You said organized and the Rio Olympics in the same sentence. Somebody just fell out of their chair laughing.

Did you also notice the the Tie Interceptor they show in the trailer have the blood stripe of 181st Imperial Fighter Wing. Also I think I have an Idea what they are..http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_troo…

I said the same thing first time I saw it.

No i think you mean Nomad.

When I see Zarya I think of this.

Thanks for the links, My Aircraft Picture folder was getting empty. I use them for my computer backgrounds here at work.

I was thinking more along these lines.

Sorry I didn’t see the Florida comment above when I posted that. I thought you were upset that it was tested in Mississippi. I have been there for a test and it is something everyone should see, and bring a umbrella you will need it.

As I read this all I can hear is..

This is the face of the robot revolution!

Hey Guys! Look its DEVO!

This is one of my all time favorite aircraft. I have been collecting stuff about this plane for years. Glad to see it is getting a new space at the museum.

No Navy Aviation Museum in Pensacola, Florida. http://www.navalaviationmuseum.org/ and the Louisiana: Cypress Sawmill Collection and Wedell-Williams Aviation Museum is a really nice museum that is overlooked.