Hetty Llange

And yet, I would be at least suspicious if a politician had a copy of Mein Kampf on display in their office. This is not a library.

At what point can we start calling the GOP what they really are: the Confederacy. 

only thing missing is winky pulling out her vape on the course

It’s probobaly easier to list the religious groups that don’t hide sexual assaults

Remember while you’re filing your taxes, that religious groups that cover up rape, like Scientology and The Catholic Church, pay no taxes at all

You are welcome to attend, worship with us, and participate as a congregation member with the assurance that you are personally included and accepted within our community. But (this is where it gets vexing), can you take an active leadership role? No.”

Holy shit, check out this Zoe Church website:

I’m sure Hillsong also prevent other “sinners” from a leadership role too, though. Like if someone was divorced or eats shellfish or took the lord’s name in vain. It’s a church with no leaders.

The purity olympics in America need too fucking stop. I am a left leaning, liberal woman of color. This shit needs to stop. This is why people end up becoming the Trump supporters we see in ever-growing millions these days. Nothing is enough. They all apologized. Fred Armisen was playing Barack Obama, not making fun

Mine was larger because I adjusted my withholding, but I still got screwed in the balance thanks to losing the PMI deduction and the moving deduction (which snowballed into me losing my student loan interest deduction.)

Why, it’s almost as if taking money from regular Americans and giving it to billionaires somehow resulted in regular Americans having less and billionaires having more or something.

Yea but our checks get that extra fat $1.50 a week that can pay off our Costco membership though.

One thing to take away from this story (aside from the fact that he is clearly a homophobe, which in 2019 is just pretty sad) is that he clearly has ZERO idea what “socialism” is and is willing to use that as a catch-all term to describe groups/ideologies he’s scared of/wants to discriminate against.

Maybe a super contagious cold goes around and society becomes a chaotic dystopia because all the men think they’re dying.

That’s so wild that she herself adopted someone from Bengladesh, and yet her mind is so filled with racism that when she sees a similar situation she goes to the police. “that child doesn’t look like that adult...must be a kidnapping”. She never things for a second “oh, just like me, that family adopted that child”.

Always thought Death was more interested in cats than fish.

Men know this. When they do this (full disclosure: I am one) it’s because they don’t care what the woman wants. They want their dick sucked, think this woman who has showed the slightest bit of intimacy owes them that, and act accordingly. I mean, you have to be pretty stupid to think that women don’t know how to

The 1980s were when it all went to hell on a rocket sled.

Very few people below senior professional or director level make 150k a year.