
When Chinese company National Electric Vehicle Sweden (NEVS) finalized acquisition of Saab in all its bankrupt glory, a lingonberry branch of hope was extended to the brand long ago touted as "born from jets."

I was all about the Series 10, until I heard about "light up badges"

I'll take this one.

Slap Lincoln badges on the sedan and wagon (shooting brake) and you've got a winner!

But couldn't she have left a few seconds earlier or a few seconds later? Then she wouldn't have to be "impatient" with a school bus.

Now playing

Wow you're right. Still this raises all sorts of additional questions. She must have been someone who serial did the drive-on-the-sidewalk stunt, because someone was filming with their phone at the right moment twice. Also she and the bus must be caught in some sort of Star Trek-ish time loop where they meet at the

The only thing I took from that article was to download Waze. It's pretty neat.

With the Jeep...did she do it twice at the exact same spot one after another? Like did she drive on the sidewalk, then drive around the block to do it again? Because if she did it was less impatience as it was just being a a monumental jerk.

They need to change this feature so each story is just CVT

Hey there's a Prius for everyone! And aren't they fun!?! Having test driven a Prius I can tell you they are the least fun cars I've ever driven. To accelerate you press down on the throttle, count 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi and then the car grudgingly moves forward very slowly. It's like the Prius is engineered to

Since there is probably a cop behind the wheel, you would be correct in your paranoia.

If you bought a car but 'did not wish to learn to drive a 5 speed' as the ad so eloquently puts it, why would you wait 23 years to sell it? The brevity of the ad, lack of any real explanation and the all caps 'selling the car AS IS' definitely adds up to Crack Pipe for me.

For maximum hipster-ism, it should be steel bodied (not plastic), with a manual shift, rock white walls and mirror hubcaps, have way too many mirrors and extra lights, and most importantly that 2 stroke buzz. Bonus points if you have a case of PBR strapped to the rear rack.

Close. But the correct answer is an original Insight. The coolest un-cool car ever.

Do you really want a 12 cylinder diesel? Seems to be missing the point of a diesel, unless it's in a Semi.

Precisely. :)

They'd probably have better luck bringing back this Saab over the 9-3. Frankly I think the only way anyone would consider the 9-3 is if they modified the B pillar back and made it a proper 5 door hatch.

If only they weren't nicknamed "angel eyes" ....

How about the VW New Beetle....it's a Golf that's much less useful!

Congratulations! Your $50k luxury sedan has, um...."P-AWS"