
You can't get a manual and bluetooth together on a Civic sedan? Thanks Honda!


Count the pedals again, my friend.

at 0:27.....downshift!

For a gasoline-powered awd car with ~150 hp, 36 mpg is impressive, even outside the US.

1944 was pretty weak for some reason.

Am I the only one who doesn't understand the title? Does that mean it is going to be produced in a short time? Very cool car though. (I want my Mini to have those headlights)


@E30fernando: Shocked there is another person who wants this! I'll take mine in black and with 5 doors thank you very much.

@speedygopher: I think that is what BMW is counting on, sadly.

An A3 sedan is their priority? Really? How about a manual transmission and Quattro A3? Or a TDI with Quattro? Otherwise, why spend the $10k premium over the Golf/GTI?

@E30fernando: As someone who has spent some time in BMW dealerships, I don't believe there is such thing as a BMW base model. It's hard enough to find one with a manual transmission! You have to order one if you really want no options.

@cesariojpn: Actual stock cars??!? I think that is waaaay too much to ask from the National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing, frankly.

@BrtStlnd: Sadly, I first read that as Cayenne, which they sell more than any of these combined.

I don't get all the Smart hate. They have to increase there sales in the US somehow and if Nissan won't bring the Micra why not let Smart?

@RandomArt: Yeah, I had an '06 325i that was "Arctic Mist." Depending on the light and angle it was either blue, green, or steel gray. The cop writing my ticket just wrote "silver"