
Nah I don't mean that at all, just a common stage in life for many people like me. For whatever reason many get jaded and move on to more pragmatic thoughts and approaches (I did), though I think that it might be because being a "fervent liberal protestor" is fucking draining.

Against Me! have been an incredible band to grow up with. Finding them in my early teens, they followed the exact sort of political progression a young punk goes through: the naive anarchism to the fervent liberal protestor to the realist. They were always there to match and even challenge what I was thinking. Then

Hard Girls are terrific. Dig the new song!

I can't think of a more genuine dude in the industry. Really great interview.

Thanks, will do!

Congrats on the GoFundMe success and good luck on the place/ AA lead!

Yeah I've been meaning to go back and re watch it sometime because I really did enjoy a lot of it when I watched through the first few seasons. It's my own bias, but I never really dug the way they took the holy/ demonic storyline after a while and would have preferred more terrific monster-of-the-week stuff, but

I might have misworded it. I meant tough to follow in that the story gets so far up its own ass that it's clear the writers are grasping for straws after the show endures longer than it's meant to.

It's very much what you think a CW version of the X Files would be, down to the, well, supernatural themes, monster-of-the-week episodes and overarching story.

This movie looks pretty.

I swear to God, Judas, I'll drive this car right off the road!

Having worked a sobriety program, my continual worst nightmare is the same (happens about once every month) and entails me having a major relapse and everyone I love is there. I wake up in a cold sweat, look around, and realize I'm okay. Sucks in the moment, but makes me appreciate sobriety!

He came in on the 6th, I thought he was coming in on the 8th!!!

I'd definitely agree it's much different than the others. The footnote aspect, the grandiosity of the circus theme, and the recording sound just really click for me.
Agreed on Metropole too- I dug it right away, but it certainly is a slow grower, especially for such a dark record at times.

Was that the show with Latterman and Blackout Pact opening? If so, I was there and WHAT A FUCKING LINEUP.

I remember getting "Apathy and Exhaustion" from a friend when it came out. I was 11 or 12 and it just grabbed me. It was my first conscious thought of "this is the style of music I really love". I've been obsessed with them ever since (and have a few poorly-done tattoos to prove it).

Nice touch on the "Right as Rain".

I'm a Lawrence Arms fanboy, so this was a Friday morning treat for me. I think Greatest Story is their best, but I think every album that has come since has done a great job of evolving into something a little different while still touching back on what works well for the band.

I don't care how many "great", "innovative" shows you throw at me, Netflix. As long as you have Parks and Rec, I'm just gonna rewatch that for the 50th time.

The remix should heavily feature Scott's use of the word "cumfuck".