wait so, what was he supposed to do? like after the lawsuit was settled was he just supposed to stop snowboarding forever and go live in a cabin in the woods or
wait so, what was he supposed to do? like after the lawsuit was settled was he just supposed to stop snowboarding forever and go live in a cabin in the woods or
I disagree completely with your take these candidates don’t need to be “gun-toting moderates” as you say. Do you really think the results would have been the same if Mike Revis was a queer person of color who openly supports gun control and abortion? The kind of candidate they run matters in this part of the country…
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.
You got it. While I do understand his frustration and powerlessness as a father, I guess I would have seen this as a more “reasonable” reaction had he lost his daughters as he would have nothing to lose. Part of being a parent is understanding you need to take care of yourself to take care of your kids.
I really wish he had left it there. And while I understand his pain and what he was trying to do, it’s just male aggression (justified or not) that serves to traumatize everybody and continue Nassar’s victimization of these women and girls. I know it’s not the popular opinion, but his daughters looked horrified when…
“I know we are a nation of laws, and this is a very serious and almost sacred process of deciding how to mete out punishment...but what the guy did was bad, so YOLO, you know? Free shots for everybody.”- No judge who wants to keep their job.
What’s a Lebron Duck?
Or a story saying _____ was a dick to Brian Windhorst for no good reason and it would be instantly relatable. *shoulder shrug
No one in the last 30 years has earnestly tried to win them over to the left with real understanding of their problems. Probably worth a try.
My knee jerk reaction is to say the host always gets a good draw because they get put in Pot 1. But that’s a really fucking good draw.
Nice to see that Russia cooked up a relatively easy group to get out of.
(The stream was canceled.)
Dear god whoever is going on that stream tomorrow is going up against a firing squad.
“Because I can build a fully automatic Sten submachine gun with readily available components from Home Depot and the tools in my garage if I really wanted to. I just don’t want to.”
I’m not going to respond. Don’t know how a soviet chatbot got out of the greys, but whatever. The internet is some right-wing BULLSHIT
Two Worlds, One Cup.
Okafor traveling unnecessarily? YOU DONT SAY!
Cop here. I’ll chime in. The video itself isn’t helpful, other than proving that Bennett was detained and handcuffed. Unfortunately, we don’t have the video of what lead up to it. We could see if the officer was a complete asshole (certainly possible) or if Bennett is lying (also possible). I don’t know any of the…